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The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education

Profile last updated: Feb 17, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: Hybrid (online & in-person)
  • Enrolling: Yes
  • App Deadline: Aug 2, 2021
  • Next Available Departure? Oct, 2021
  • Mission Statement:

    The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) promotes outdoor adventures and educational experience through authentic learning, personal growth, technical skills, and stewardship.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

74-day Gap Semester Itinerary (subject to change)

Days 1–21: Orientation and EMT Training at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education’s (NCOAE) campus in Wilmington, NC
Day 22–23: Flex Days. Spend some time in town and prepare for your backpacking trip.
Day 24–28: Backpacking expedition in Pisgah National Forest.
Day 29–30: Return to basecamp. Clean-up, rest, and begin packing for the leg of your journey.
Day 31: Travel to Portland, OR. Stay at a riverside lodge basecamp in Maupin, OR.
Day 32–36: Wilderness Medical Training. The next 5 days of your course are spent completing your Wilderness First Responder (WFR) / Wilderness Upgrade for EMT (W-EMT) training.
Day 37: Flex Day. Take a break and explore the local area.
Day 38: Entry-level training in whitewater kayaking and rafting training and practice.
Day 39–43: Multi-day whitewater rafting & camping trip on the Deschutes River.
Day 43–44: Return to the Riverside Lodge for dinner, showers, a campfire, and lawn games. Rest and spend time preparing for the Ecuador portion of your course.
Days 45-46: Depart for Quito, Ecuador. After arrival, travel 30 minutes to our basecamp, a local, organic farm. Learn about sustainability in a mountain environment and help out with farm activities.
Days 47–48: Cultural Immersion Homestays in the mountains.
Day 49: Otavalo Market Visit. Explore one of Latin America’s largest indigenous craft markets.
Day 50: River trip preparations and packing.
Day 51–53: Multi-day Amazon trip begins.
Days 54–56: Cultural Immersion in the Amazon. Paddle to a remote Kichwa community.
Days 57–58: Chocolate Farm. Visit a jungle permaculture cacao farm.
Day 59–60: Return to basecamp. Learn about technical gear, glacier travel, ice climbing, and high altitude living.
Day 61–62: Volcán Pichincha Hike & Quito Visit.
Day 63–70: Backpacking trip in Cotopaxi National Park & Antisana Ecological Reserve.
Day 71: Volcán Antisana Summit attempt.
Days 72: Return to basecamp.
Day 73: Hot Springs Visit and Closing Circle.
Day 74: Departure from Quito, Ecuador.

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $4,750 - $13,320
  • Program Financial Aid: No

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certification
  • Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Certification
  • Leave No Trace Trainer Certification
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Cultural Immersion
  • Leadership Skills
  • Experiential Education
  • Outdoor Technical Skills
  • Safety & Risk Management
  • Academic Credit

From the Southeast to the Pacific Northwest and around the globe, The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) is a values-based outdoor education provider for students interested in personal growth, professional development, and the acquisition of technical skills. Eligible for both college or high school credits, 25, 60 and 74 day domestic and international semester programs offer unique opportunities to explore remote regions of the world! Earning multiple certifications in Outdoor & Adventure Education, Emergency Medicine, and Wilderness Medicine. NCOAE is the one of the only gap semester programs in the word that offers Emergency Medical Technician (EMT} and Wilderness First Responder (WFR) as an integral part of our semester. NCOAE is accredited by the Association for Experiential Education (AEE).

Whether we are studying sustainability and biodiversity while paddling in the Amazon or immersing ourselves with indigenous, Kichwa communities in Ecuador, or learning how to respond to medical emergencies you'll gain the skills needed to travel the world!

Staff Training and Certification

NCOAE’s instructors are experts in managing the safety of students while facilitating adventure education in the field, including technical and leadership skills, medical trainings, and program curriculum. Instructors manage risks and assure unique, enriching learning opportunities for their groups.

All program instructors are certified in Wilderness First Aid, Wilderness First Responder, or Wilderness EMT, as well as CPR and Leave No Trace.

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