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Gap Year Association News | Media | Press « Gap Year Association
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Gap Year Association in the Media

As our mission grows and the quality of Standards are recognized more broadly, we have had the opportunity to discuss Gap Year Education with television stations, newspapers, magazines, authors, bloggers, radio stations, and of course, other gap year organizations. Connecting the gap year community is been one of our nonprofit's primary goals, and we welcome the chance to share a conversation! Please enjoy this collection of a few of our favourite interviews and articles. For more detail, we’ve also created a comprehensive list of everywhere we've been featured.

"Knight explains that gap years allow students to explore their interests and figure out where they want to land after they graduate. Through volunteering and internships, students work out where they best fit in before they commit to a major. When students return to campus, they are more motivated to do well and engaged in the classroom, because they have a taste of what the world will be like after they graduate."