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Wilderness Adventures

Profile last updated: Dec 17, 2020


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling: Yes
  • App Deadline: Jan 31, 2021
  • Next Available Departure? Feb, 2021
  • Mission Statement:

    Do Something Wild – inspire growth and wonder.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Days 1-5
Group Arrival and Orientation. COVID19 screening, and acclimatization to course curriculum, group dynamic, and program expectations. Prep for and travel to first backcountry section.

Days 6-12
First Backcountry Section: backpacking, sea kayaking, backcountry canoeing, etc.

Days 13-15
De-rig/de-prep from first backcountry section. Showers and laundry. Phone day / mail pick up. Prep for and travel to second backcountry section.

Days 16-25
Second Backcountry Section: service work, mountaineering, overnight whitewater rafting, etc.

Days 26-34
De-rig/de-prep from second backcountry section. Showers and laundry. Curriculum exploration through National Park visits, service work, guest speakers and/or seminars, etc. Example: 2021 Spring Gap Semester:Southwest focus is on the Ancient Peoples of the Southwest. This section of the trip for that cohort will include visits to Mesa Verde National Park and Chaco Canyon Historic Park.

Days 35-47
Prep for and travel to third backcountry section. Third Backcountry Section: backpacking, sea kayaking, backcountry canoeing, etc.

Days 48-50
De-rig/de-prep from third backcountry section. Showers and laundry. Phone day / mail pick up. Prep for and travel to fourth backcountry section.

Days 51-56
Fourth Backcountry Section: service work, mountaineering, overnight whitewater rafting, etc.

Days 57-65
De-rig/de-prep from fourth backcountry section. Showers and laundry. Travel to Wilderness First Responder certification course location and take week-long course.

Days 66-69
Capstone Presentations. Final Banquet.

Day 70
Group Departure.

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester
  • Program Cost: $6195 - $15,145
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    Please visit the link below to download our Financial Aid Application.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Leadership
  • Communication Skills
  • Critical Thinking / Problem Solving
  • Character Building
  • Self-Confidence
  • Wilderness First Responder + CPR
  • Risk Management in Backcountry Outdoor Settings
  • Swift Water Rescue and River Safety
  • Expedition Planning
  • Leave No Trace Principles

The Wilderness Adventures Institute (WALI) Gap Semester programs provide you with opportunities to test your foundational outdoor skills and further your capabilities as a leader. At WALI, you and your cohort will earn your Wilderness First Responder certification, the industry standard for professional guides, trip leaders, search and rescue team members, outdoor recreationalists, and international travelers. Other certifications may include CPR/First Aid, Swift Water Rescue, and more. You will perform meaningful service work alongside National Forest rangers and non-profit advocates. You will utilize your time outside of the traditional classroom setting to hone in your hard and soft skills, receive impactful leadership instruction, and build towards your capstone experience at the end of your term. With an outdoor classroom unlike any other, this is the adventure of a lifetime. 

We still have space on our 2021 Spring Gap Semester: Southwest program. Reach out to our team at info@wildernessadventures.com or 307-733-2122 to learn more.

Staff Training and Certification

Our Gap Semester leaders have led for Wilderness Adventures for multiple summers, and have proven their ability to connect with older students, teach valuable life lessons through our program curriculum, and maintain risk management protocols in extended backcountry settings. Our Trip Leaders come from a variety of different backgrounds and experience, and care deeply about the growth and development of their students.

Each Trip Leader has current Wilderness First Responder, CPR, and Swift Water Rescue certifications. They have proven themselves as highly qualified outdoor educators who possess specific technical skills.

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