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Watson Institute

Profile last updated: Jan 21, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline: Apr 15, 2021
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    The Watson Semester Accelerator was launched to accelerate the ventures and careers of college students, recent graduates, and gap-year students with an early-stage social venture. A cohort of next generation innovators, leaders, and entrepreneurs from across the globe will convene in Boulder, Colorado from August 23 to June 1, 2021, to tackle complex problems, such as climate change, social justice, poverty, access to quality education, and more. Young entrepreneurs must apply and be selected to the Watson Semester Accelerator. Selected students will leverage training, mentorship, and community to accelerate their ventures during a time when the world needs brave leadership and creative solutions to issues of complex injustices.

    The Watson Semester Accelerator takes place every Fall (August-December), Spring (January-May) and Summer (June-July) semester.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Open day to work on projects, participate in community events, and meet with mentors. Class: Transformative Entrepreneurship (3 hours) Class: Transformative Action (3 hours) Class: Watson Lab (4 hours) & (3 hours) Open day to work on projects, participate in community events, and meet with mentors. Meeting: All Hands on Deck (1 hour) Master Course (2 hours)
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Open day to work on projects, participate in community events, and meet with mentors. Class: Transformative Entrepreneurship (3 hours) Class: Transformative Action (3 hours) Class: Watson Lab (4 hours) & (3 hours) Open day to work on projects, participate in community events, and meet with mentors. Meeting: All Hands on Deck (1 hour) Master Course (2 hours)

The Watson Accelerator curriculum was developed by examining best practices in supporting social entrepreneurs worldwide and consolidated into a curriculum that provides students with the skills and processes that contribute to their long-term success. Students who successfully complete the Watson Accelerator have an articulated pathway to earn credits from Lynn University which are eligible for transfer.

Transformative Action:
The Transformative Action (TA) course guides students through the process of overcoming key challenges faced during the process of building a social venture and becoming transformative leaders. This course is highly interactive, experiential, and dynamic.

Transformative Entrepreneurship:
This course is designed to equip Scholars with the tools and knowledge they need to build a social venture. Watson has licensed the curriculum of Uncharted, which is a leading training program for social entrepreneurs globally, having worked with 545 ventures who are creating impact in 96 countries.

Watson Lab:
Scholars work side by side to accomplish structured activities with weekly hard skills workshops in areas such as marketing, sales, budgeting and excel.

In addition to the courses outlined above, students experience an interactive Master Course led by a seasoned entrepreneur or leader. We have the privilege of hosting some of the worlds foremost leaders, entrepreneurs, and practitioners as Master Course Teachers at the Watson Accelerator. Master Course Teachers include outstanding individuals like:

Jerry White
CEO of Global Impact Strategies Inc., Co-Chair of Global Covenant Partners, and co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Jerry is known for leading high-impact campaigns including the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. He helped found Survivor Corps created by and for survivors to help victims of war rebuild their lives.

Erin Schrode
Activist, social entrepreneur and storyteller, Erin co-founded Turning Green. She has developed eco education and action platforms to inspire, educate, and mobilize millions of students and the global public. She became the youngest person to run for US Congress working to redefine civic engagement, reinvigorate public service, and expand the definition of politician.

Tom Chi
Tom has worked in a wide range of roles from astrophysical researcher to Fortune 500 consultant to corporate executive developing new hardware/software products and services. He most recently served as the head of product experience at Google X developing technology such as Google Glass and Google's self-driving cars. Prior to that, he played a significant role in Yahoo! and Microsoft projects like Yahoo Answers and Outlook.

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester
  • Program Cost: $15,000
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    Scholarships are available based on need and merit. In addition, Watson offers several full-ride fellowships each semester that include full tuition and housing. All finalists will be invited to apply for these fellowships:

    American Impact Fellowship- For US-based applicants that are committed to lead lives of impact through entrepreneurial leadership.

    Enlight China Fellowship- For applicants from greater China, including Taiwan and Hong Kong, that are committed to lead lives of impact.

    Enlight Women's Fellowship- For applicants working to increase access and quality of education for women and girls.

    Golden Bridge Fellowship- For embodied emerging leaders who are engaged in the work of Golden Bridge around the world. Their initiatives are dedicated to cultivating peace, inner and outer, through creative and culturally responsive leadership.

    Jane Strode Miller Fellowship- For next-generation entrepreneurs creating solutions within the food or beverage space.

    Luff Peace Fellowship- For applicants working to increase access and quality of education and promoting peace globally.

    Sistla Tech Fellowship- For applicants creating tech solutions to solve the greatest social and environmental challenges.

    Sustainability Fellowship- For applicants developing solutions focused on environmental sustainability and climate change.

    Watson Americas Fellowship- For applicants based in South, Central, and North America, and the Caribbean with a vision to create significant impact in their region through entrepreneurial leadership.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Expand your professional network and practice the art of relationship building and maintaining.
  • Practice and apply virtues and character traits for effective leadership.
  • Make meaningful progress in advancing your own social venture, or partner with another student to support the development of their social venture.
  • Work collaboratively with peers to overcome common challenges faced while starting a social venture.
  • Master accountability techniques for effective accomplishment of personal and professional goals.
  • Learn the basics of 13 hard-skills relevant to early-stage entrepreneurs.

To learn more contact:
Miranda Williamson
Director of Search
Watson Institute, Boulder
Ph: 619-829-6968
Schedule an Appointment: https://calendly.com/mirandawilliamson

Staff Training and Certification

Watson Institute staff have been featured in Forbes 30 Under 30 and have successfully launched and scaled social enterprises and projects.

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