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CityGAP at The Living City Project

Profile last updated: May 18, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling: Yes
  • App Deadline: Jul 5, 2021
  • Next Available Departure? Jun, 2021
  • Mission Statement:

    The Living City Project's CityGAP program is an outdoor, city-based, experiential program for participants age 18-22. Engage with New York as a classroom, laboratory, studio and community. Wrestle with the current challenges facing the city. Partner with city officials, artists, policymakers, journalists, performers, activists, entrepreneurs and more. Create original group and individual projects in a variety of media. Our program is for young people who want to connect with the world, explore their passions, master life skills, and make an impact with a supportive group of peers.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Site visit: Flood zones of Lower Manhattan with Mayor’s Office of Resilience & Recovery Brooklyn Waterfront Picnic Brooklyn Waterfront Resilience Walk w/ Sarah Dougherty, Waterfront Alliance dinner at Red Hook Lobster Pound Interactive slideshow lecture on “Water City” History of NY Port, literature, art, landfill and Hurricane Sandy Research on NYC’s waterfront and water culture EPA Zoom Seminar w/ Carl Howard, EPA Regional Counsel Film: Spike Lee Big U Bike tour with B.I.G Architecture and Rebuild By Design Picnic and interviews in Coentes Slip Park Public Space Conversation w/ Gena Wirth SCAPE Landscape & Urban Design Group Reflection Water fiction, painting & photography Resilient NY Design Sprint #1 Establish question Brainstorm Research history Research locations Research models Preliminary responses Plan Friday route Paddle preparation Guest seminar: Jennifer Egan, Manhattan Beach Resilience Paddle Expedition w/ Manhattan Kayak & The Harbor School Site #1 Lower Manhattan Waterfront Picnic Site #2- environmental data collection Site #3- neighborhood interviews Debrief
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


This is a Sample Week from the second week of our 6-week project cycle: "Resilient NYC- Equitable Alternatives to The Big U"- Each week includes at least three days outdoors, weather permitting, alternating with remote sessions and independent work. Each project cycle lasts from 5-6 weeks. We have 3 group projects per semester, and each student is lead investigator of a personal project, based in their goals and passions.

Please see our 12 Project Cycles on the CityGAP Program page of our website to see the topics from which we choose our group projects.

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $8500 per semester
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    Financial aid is available for qualifying individuals.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • A robust portfolio of projects capturing meaningful, life-changing work that contributes to expanded college choices and college success
  • Credit toward advanced standing in selected colleges
  • New career paths and relationships with potential future mentors and employers
  • A transformative experience in which you find your passions, make lifelong friends, understand the current moment and help improve the world
  • Active learning experiences supporting intellectual, physical and emotional growth, personal independence, and the mastery of life skills

The Living City Project:

• Provides meaningful and challenging learning experiences in the New York City landscape. Our students grow as scholars, citizens and human beings, finding meaning, passion and purpose, addressing the critical quesiton: how do we change the city for the better?

• Employs a design studio model where students brainstorm, research, design and present original work (documentaries, creative fiction, historical research, original art, performance, policy memos, etc.) to panels of community partners, scholars, practitioners and experts.

• Creates a challenging and meaningful (COVID-Safe) environment for learning and exploring by using the built and natural environment as a collaborative outdoor classroom. (All of our programs observe strict COVID-19 protocols for social distancing and safety.)

Staff Training and Certification

Andrew Meyers
• 30 years experience in high school & college education and leadership
• College counselor over 15 years- relationships at selective colleges
• Ethical Culture Fieldston School (23 years): History Department Chair, College Counselor, teacher
• Founding Director of City Semester, an urban studies program for high school juniors
• Whittle School and Studios, Chair of the Education Design Team and Head of Experiential Learning
• Taught at Columbia University, Connecticut College and Empire State College
• Graduate of Princeton, Yale and Columbia Universities, with degrees in history, architecture, urbanism

Tanya Gallo
• Urban planner and educator with a focus on resilience, public space and civic engagement
• 100 Resilient Cities, led a global network in resilience strategy development in collaboration with cities
• Consultant with HR&A Advisors, managing urban development projects
• Designed and led DreamYard’s ACTION program, an arts & justice program for Bronx high schoolers
• MSc in Urbanization and Development at London School of Economics
• Lectured at the Pratt Institute, AIA and Columbia University Summer Program

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