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GAP Year at SOAR

Profile last updated: Jun 02, 2020


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    SOAR is a seasonal accredited educational academy , a GAP year program, and outdoor adventure camp dedicated to a two-fold purpose:

    To provide academic instruction, experiential education, interpersonal life skills development and outdoor adventure based programming to youth dealing with Learning Disabilities, and/or Attention Deficit Disorders through their participation in the Academy at SOAR.

    To provide experiential education, interpersonal life skills development and outdoor adventure based programming to youth, young adults and families dealing with Learning Disabilities, and/or Attention Deficit Disorders through SOAR’s outdoor adventure camp programs, GAP Year, and community based services.

    SOAR embraces a commitment to service that is evident in professional and community involvement of its staff members.

    SOAR is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Unpacking and derigging from Expedition Central Wyoming College Classes, Expedition Planning Life Skills Lessons, Volunteering Central Wyoming College Classes, Free time Life Skills Lessons, Volunteering Participant Check-Ins with staff mentor, Life Skills Lessons Weekend Adventure Activities
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Packing and preparing for Expedition Depart for Expedition! Visit a National Park, Day Hiking, Rock Climbing Travel to a new South West expedition location Backpacking Trip Backpacking Backpacking


Fall (14 Weeks)

Phase 1: Students arrive, compile self-awareness data (Strengthsquest and Learning Styles Inventories), develop routine, trip planning/preparations for expedition 1 begin Regional Adventures to Yellowstone/Tetons
Phase 2: First Expedition
Phase 3: Residential living, volunteer at chosen option, college course one day a week at Central Wyoming College, Community involvement, trip planning/preparation for second expedition
Phase 4: Second Expedition
Phase 5: Residential living, service projects/volunteer, college course one day a week at Central Wyoming College, plan/prepare for final expedition
Phase 6: Final expedition
Phase 7: Final Living component, Preparation for winter break

Spring (17 Weeks)

Phase 1: Students arrive, review self awareness data, develop routine, begin Regional Adventures, trip planning/preparations for first expedition
Phase 2: First Expedition
Phase 3: Residential living, volunteer at chosen option, college course one day a week at Central Wyoming College, Community involvement, trip planning/preparations for second expedition, begin preparation for post gap year
Phase 4: Second Expedition (International Trip to Costa Rica or Belize)
Phase 5: Residential living, volunteer at chosen option, college course one day a week at Central Wyoming College, Community involvement, trip planning/preparations for final expedition, continue preparation for post gap year
Phase 6: Final Expedition
Phase 7: Final Living component, Finalize post gap year preparation

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall
  • Program Duration: Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $53,000
  • Program Financial Aid: No

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Independent Living Skills
  • Community Involvement
  • High Adventure Activities
  • Expedition Planning/Facilitation
  • College Coursework (Earn 4 credit hours)
  • International Travel (Costa Rica or Belize)
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Earn American Red Cross Certifications
  • Meal Planning/Prep
  • Personal Budgeting Skills

The GAP Year at SOAR is specially designed to empower young adults ages 18 to 24 with ADD / ADHD or other Learning Disabilities through adventure, travel, and independent living.

Our gap year program provides young adults the opportunity to discover their talents, to increase self-reliance, and to experience life changing adventures. Developed directly from parent feedback, this program meets the needs of those who have graduated from high school, but are not quite ready to step into a university or work-force setting. Participants are provided a structured environment in which they may pursue areas of interest and travel for the purpose of improving knowledge, maturity, decision-making, leadership, independence, and self-sufficiency. Participants will alternate between Residential Living in Dubois, WY and Expeditions throughout the western United States.

Staff Training and Certification

GAP staff participate in a rigorous staff training to prepare them to be highly qualified professionals in facilitating behavior management, expeditions, medication administration, life skills lessons, adventure activities, rock climbing, and participant growth.

Staff qualifications and certifications include Lifeguarding, Wilderness First Aid (minimum), Wilderness First Responder (preferred), 4-year college, a minimum of 1-year in the industry and experience in outdoor adventure activities.

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