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HistoriCorps, The Workforce for Saving Places

Profile last updated: Jul 13, 2020


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    HistoriCorps is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Morrison, CO that engages volunteers to do the hands-on work necessary to save historic places for public benefit. We emphasize experiential, field based training and education. We value immersive, transformative, productive experiences and accept volunteers age 18+.

    HistoriCorps projects take place all over the country, most often on National Forest, National Park, and State Park land. Volunteers come from all generations! Gap Year participants should plan to spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, as all of our projects are camping-based and require a personal vehicle to access. Participation is free; there is no cost to join. New projects are added regularly!

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Arrive at campsite between 5pm and 8pm. Volunteers bring all personal camping gear; campsite free and provided by HistoriCorps. First work day! Emphasis on skills training, safety, orientation. All meals, tools, training, equipment provided. Second work day. All meals, tools, training, equipment provided. Third work day. All meals, tools, training, equipment provided. Fourth work day. All meals, tools, training, equipment provided. Fifth work day. Half day. Only breakfast and lunch provided, along with, of course, all tools, training, and equipment. Pack up camp if project is ending, or, stay on for another week. Day off or travel to next project site if volunteer chooses.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Day off at prior week's site, or, travel to and set up camp at new project site. First work day! Emphasis on skills training, safety, orientation. All meals, tools, training, equipment provided. Second work day. All meals, tools, training, equipment provided. Third work day. All meals, tools, training, equipment provided. Fourth work day. All meals, tools, training, equipment provided. Fifth work day. Half day. Only breakfast and lunch provided, along with, of course, all tools, training, and equipment. Pack up camp if project is ending, or, stay on for another week. Day off or travel to next project site if volunteer chooses.

HistoriCorps project sessions are usually one week in length, with a Sunday arrival and Friday afternoon departure. Most projects are more than one session long so volunteers can choose to stay for multiple sessions in a row, or, pack up camp and join a new project. Pre-registration is absolutely required, especially in 2020 due to our COVID-19 safety protocols. We can help plan an itinerary! Contact Liz Rice, Workforce Manager, for help at lrice@historicorps.org or 720-390-6085.

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: FREE, EXCEPT: Personal camping gear and travel to site (personal vehicle is required)
  • Program Financial Aid: No

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Historic Preservation Skills
  • Construction Skills - traditional and modern
  • Outdoor Recreation and Natural Resource Awareness
  • Camping Skills
  • Inter-generational learning with volunteers of all ages
  • Develop relationships with teachers and craftspeople
  • Explore new career field
  • Architecture
  • History
  • Career Development

Learn more at www.historicorps.org or email Liz Rice, Workforce Manager, for more information at lrice@historicorps.org ; call Liz at 720-390-6085.

Staff Training and Certification

HistoriCorps staff and board can be found at www.historicorps.org/our-team.
Two field staff lead volunteers on projects. They have training in the skills needed to accomplish our scope of work, as well as certifications in first aid (often Wilderness First Aid), roof safety, scaffold safety, hantavirus mitigation, lead paint remediation, food handling safety, chainsaw & crosscut saw use, and more.

HistoriCorps Project Supervisors are the primary trainers and leaders on our projects. Project Supervisors bring at minimum:
--A journeyman’s knowledge of historic building techniques, hand tools, and the historic building trades gained through a minimum of 5 years of experience in the historic preservation field
--Previous leadership experience instructing crews and supervising projects, ideally in remote or backcountry settings
--Experience rehabilitating or restoring log, frame, masonry, and/or adobe structures
--A working knowledge of, and practical experience with, The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties
--Strong communication, management, and conflict resolution skills

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