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Global Citizen Year

Profile last updated: Nov 18, 2020


  • GYA Accredited Since: 2017
  • COVID-19 Plans: Online only
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    Global Citizen Year offers two experiences designed to launch the leaders our world needs now. Both programs select talented students who represent society’s diversity and equip them with the empathy, agency and global network to drive impact today -- and over the course of their lives.

    Global Citizen Year Academy
    Our intensive leadership experience (delivered virtually) equips determined young people worldwide with powerful skills for a lifetime of social impact. The Academy is designed as a 5-10 hour per week commitment that adds an enriching layer of purpose to school, travel, or work. Students enroll in our signature leadership course, join talks with today’s most impactful changemakers, and receive personalized mentorship from a diverse pool of mentors. For those looking for deeper engagement, they can find volunteer opportunities through our network of impact partners -- organizations worldwide that are at the forefront of confronting our climate crisis, ending racial inequity, preventing the next pandemic, and more. At the end of the semester (12 weeks), Academy students have the confidence to take the reins on their education, and conviction to align their lives with the world’s needs.

    Global Citizen Year Fellowship
    Our flagship immersion experience enables exceptional high school graduates to live and work alongside the global majority in Brazil, Ecuador, or India. Fellows are chosen via a highly selective application process, and spend the equivalent of an academic year living with a family and apprenticing to local efforts advancing education, health, and sustainability. By staying longer and going deeper, Fellows learn languages through immersion, develop resilience living in their stretch zone, and become part of a community a world away from home. Fellows return with global skills and insights that shape their character and equip them to find shared solutions that advance the greater good.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Global Citizen Academy:
Feb 22 - May 14, 2021 (5-7 hours per week)

Global Citizen Year Fellowship Timeline (2021):
Late Aug: Program begins with Global Launch Training in California
Early Sept: Program Launch Training in country
Sept-April: Immersion, homestay, internships, language learning, smaller team trainings, community based work.
Mid-April: Program ends with Re-Entry Training in California

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Spring
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: 5,000
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    We are pleased to offer a sliding scale model for Global Citizen Academy with tuition ranging from $500 (deposit only) to $5,000 (full tuition). We ask that you pay at the highest level of the sliding scale that you can afford. This allows others who need to pay less the opportunity to attend.

    For the Fellowship (not currently available), we offer both merit and need-based scholarships, and are committed to making our program accessible. The full cost of tuition is $32,500. To date 80% of our Fellows have received a partial scholarship, and 30% of those have received a full ride. We will work closely with you and your family to understand your financial need before determining your financial aid package.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Foreign Language
  • Resilience
  • Initiative
  • Empathy
  • Civic Responsibility
  • Collaboration
  • Global Perspective
  • Cross Cultural Skills
  • Self-Awareness

Staff Training and Certification

Fellowship Staff receive over 100 hours of extensive training in risk management, coaching and mentoring, teaching and learning, and local partner training and management.

Fellowship Staff are certified in Wilderness First Aid and Wilderness First Responder.

Global Citizen Year received the Gap Year Association's Accessibility Award (2017)

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