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Profile last updated: Sep 17, 2020


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    Gapforce is a leading provider of structured adventure travel programs, volunteer projects and outdoor training courses. Founded in 1989, the Gapforce family takes great pride in organizing a wide range of travel adventures that enable young people to become global citizens and make a real impact on the world.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

On arrival into Kota Kinabalu, you will be met at the airport and transferred to your accommodation. The adventure starts with some volunteering on a jungle conservation project in the Crocker National Park. Continuing your conservation work, you will make a difference straight away, assisting with re-forestation work whilst learning about the regions unique and rich biodiversity. Remaining in the national park, the expedition ramps up with the start of your jungle skills training and 3-day jungle trek. Over varied and challenging terrain, learn bushcraft skills, foraging and animal tracking, become familiar with the local flora & fauna. Emerge back into civilisation slightly smellier! The first week ends with a white-water rafting trip down Borneo’s wide and panoramic Padas River.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

The final week of your adventure starts with a bang, a 3 day hike to the summit of Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Borneo at 4,095m. Second day of your Mount Kinabalu Hike. A physical challenge, but with the support of our leader and your fellow travellers, you can look forward to reaching the top in time for a beautiful sunrise and unforgettable views across Borneo! To celebrate your amazing achievement, escape to Gaya Island. Relax on the golden beaches and marvel at the reefs flourishing with marine life. Today will be a travel day, as you make your way to the city of Sandakan in the state of Sabah, on the north-eastern coast of Borneo. Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre & Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre Depart from Sandakan Airport

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $2,250-$12,600
  • Program Financial Aid: No
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    Although Gapforce does not offer financial aid, they do offer payment plan options.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Global Citizenship: human rights, cultural understanding, civic responsibility, global systems, history
  • Self-Awareness: passion, purpose and fulfilment, out of your comfort zone confidence building, perspective, self-care
  • Sustainable and Impactful Travel Volunteering: social and environmentally conscious, reduction of carbon footprint, conservation, support of local business, respect local culture
  • Leadership: empathy and compassion, communication and teamwork, motivation and positivity, responsibility and hard work ethic, trust building and problem solving
  • Wanderlust Demeanor: exploration, creativity and expression, open-mindedness, curiosity, active listening

Gapforce offers a large variety of volunteer, adventure travel and gap year programs overseas.

Whether you're looking for a short or long break, our programs combine everything we do best - conservation and project volunteering, adventure travel, and outdoor training courses - all in exotic destinations around the world.

Staff Training and Certification

The Gapforce overseas staff are some of the most experienced in the industry and committed to exerting a positive impact on the regions, countries and communities in which volunteers and travellers explore.

The key difference with Gapforce programs are their Expedition Leaders. The 16-week Expedition Leader Training program begins in the mountains of Wales before heading into the jungles of Central America where participants receive full training and internationally recognised certifications, hands-on skills and comprehensive training, enabling them to safely plan and lead expeditions around the world.

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