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Expedition Education Institute

Profile last updated: Mar 02, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: Hybrid (online & in-person)
  • Enrolling: Yes
  • App Deadline: Apr 1, 2021
  • Next Available Departure? Jul, 2021
  • Mission Statement:

    The Expedition Expedition Institute (EEI) offers higher education that fosters ecological awareness and personal and societal transformation through immersion in a variety of environments and cultures, critical reflection, and experiential learning communities. As learners we awaken to a deeper sense of participation within the web of life and engage in lifelong ecological and social justice and responsible global citizenship.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Currently, we are accepting applications for a 3-week summer program, July 31st-August 21st, 2021. Applications accepted through April 1st (inquire after that date in case we haven't filled the 12-person cohort, or to be put on a waiting list). Apply through the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. The program is called "Touching the Earth: A Homestead Immersion for Young Adults."

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months
  • Program Cost: 2400
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    The 3-week August summer program we are co-sponsoring with the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies will have need-based scholarships up to 75% of the total cost (not including travel to and from southern VT).

Program Learning Outcomes

This academic and experiential program provides a great bridge from high school to college for many reasons. We center the students in their own learning while they are also immersed in a learning community. The faculty support and challenge students to become more engaged and self-directed in their pursuit of learning; they will bring these attitudes and skills into college and be able to get much more out of the experience than they might otherwise. Our visiting college students return to campus as more engaged, curious, and able students--willing to ask questions and not just be a passive receiver of information.

Staff Training and Certification

All Faculty have higher education degrees, at least a Masters degree, and significant experience in creating community, mentoring, and supporting learning and growth. There are always faculty certified as Wilderness First Responders with CPR. They receive extensive in-house training in leadership, alternative education models, mentoring, and community well-being as well as in academic content areas. Faculty walk their talk - they are fully immersed in the learning communities.

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