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The School of The New York Times


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans:
    Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home4/mericbw8/public_html/old_gapyearassociation/program.php on line 483
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    The School of The New York Time's Gap Year is a program for recent high school graduates (ages 18-21) seeking a transformative intellectual adventure before they go to college or as they consider future plans. It is a program of self exploration, reflection and discovery in the heart of New York City. Students emerge with an expanded world view, a sharp sense of perspective on a wide range of topics, and strong critical thinking and communication skills that will prepare them for college, career and lifelong success.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Each Gap Year term offers different Section Study modules where students dive deep into important social, cultural or global topics led by a faculty member who is a subject-matter expert. Modules include classroom discussions, synthesis assignments and site visits offering networking opportunities and career exposure.

*Please note that all information pertaining to the Gap Spring schedule is subject to change at the discretion of The School of The New York Times.

Week 1: New York City tours, Section Study introduction, kick off of the Future Focused Plan—an individual development plan with goals tailored to each student to help track personal and academic development throughout the course of the program.

Week 2: Travel Section Study begins as well as the “Living Like a New Yorker” rotation—an immersive program designed to take students from tourist to New Yorker in just three weeks.

Week 3: Travel Section Study continues, first Cohort Outing and Weekly Dinner Series, and first Service Learning Day, which gives students the opportunity to develop civic engagement skills by working with the community.

Week 4: Tech & Health Section Study, mid-week Cohort Outings, and weekend neighborhood walking tours.

Week 5: Style Section Study, review Future Focused Plans, and begin "Creating Conversation" rotation, which focuses on strengthening written and verbal communication and public-speaking skills.

Week 6: Politics Section Study begins and includes the first Cohort Trip to Washington DC.

Week 7: Politics Section Study continues back in New York City.

Week 8: Culture Section Study begins and second Service Learning Day.

Week 9: Culture Section Study continues and introduction to the “Adulting 101” rotation.

Week 10: The School is closed this week for Spring Break. Students are welcome to stay on campus or go home.

Week 11: Food Section Study and the second Cohort Trip to Philadelphia, PA.

Week 12: New York Section Study begins as well as the “Thinking Like a New Yorker” rotation,

which is designed to help students jumpstart ideas for their next steps after Gap Year.

Week 13: New York Section Study continues. Students participate in their third and final Service Learning Day.

Week 14: Opinion Section Study and preparations begin for a culminating "Reflection Project" to present to the cohort in the last week of the program.

Week 15: Students present their "Reflection Projects." Program concludes with an End of Semester Celebration and Gap Year Graduation.

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Semester
  • Program Cost: $21,500 (semester) or $16,500 (summer)
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    The Diverse Voices Scholarship is now available!

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Critical Thinking: The ability to observe and interpret complex topics.
  • Communication: The ability to create and defend arguments.
  • Media Literacy: The ability to analyze and evaluate media in its different forms.
  • Career Exposure: Exposure to a breadth of careers and career pathways.
  • Personal Management Skills: Learn to identify and prioritize goals based on self-reflection and self-evaluation.

Students will emerge from Gap Year with a strong sense of self, imbued with a framework of deepened understanding about what drives their passions and what issues are meaningful to them. Students will walk away with important attributes and skills that are in demand in both the work force and academic communities.

Staff Training and Certification

Gap Year at The School of the New York Times is designed and implemented by a team of dedicated professionals with over 50 combined years of experience in education, program development, youth development and academia. The School's instructors are award-winning New York Times journalists, industry experts and recognized thought leaders across a wide range of disciplines. Through these instructors, students benefit from insider access to people and places like only The New York Times can offer.

Students are also supported by an administrative staff and a Student Development Team that are committed to providing a holistic experience carefully curated to meet the needs of each student cohort. Each member of the core programming team brings a passionate enthusiasm for serving youth and is excited to create a dynamic and innovative experience for students searching for an intellectual adventure in New York City.

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