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Cow House Studios

Profile last updated: Jul 04, 2020


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    At Cow House Studios, above all else, we value process, the belief that a rigorous dedication to time spent in the studio yields exciting possibilities for new ideas and artworks. At the core of FieldWorks curriculum is meaningful, uninterrupted time in the studio and its beautiful surroundings making art. Days are punctuated by immediate feedback from instructors and peers, accelerating the creative process, whereby single days can yield an exceptional amount of productivity. This adherence to process rather than the finished result can be liberating but also essential to making connections that one might never dream up otherwise.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: €12,950
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    Each semester, we provide two scholarships for students to attend FieldWorks. The value of the scholarship is half off the total tuition. Scholarship recipients are chosen based on the merit of their artwork.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • painting
  • drawing
  • photography
  • video
  • visual art
  • art history
  • contemporary art
  • creative problem solving
  • studio art
  • darkroom photography

Cow House Studios is thrilled to offer FieldWorks, a hybrid residency and enrichment program designed to give students ages 18 to 22 an opportunity to make new art in a remarkable location while being challenged to approach their creative practice from new perspectives. During this 12-week multidisciplinary course, there is a particular focus on each participant's individual creative process, where one-on-one tutorials provide guidance for further research. In addition to time spent in the studio, there will be weekly organized trips to Dublin, the West, and other points of interest in the Southeast region with a particular focus on artist-led initiatives and studio visits with accomplished Irish artists, designers, and curators. Recognizing that many artists think through ideas by grappling with new materials, our workshops introduce students to processes and mediums that can expand the scope of their practice. It is often the case that new methodologies can ignite a dormant avenue of thought, and our studio demonstrations are intended to provoke these new possibilities. Ireland has a vibrant and diverse creative community. As a member of this community, we are keen to share it with our students. The network of practitioners that make and support challenging and creative work has much to offer. Among the most resourceful of professionals, artists are keenly aware of the possibilities within their surroundings and in each other. This resourcefulness is at the core of Cow House Studios' own crafting and we believe essential to any creative practice.

Staff Training and Certification

Cow House Studios is a family run business. Established in 2007 by artists Rosie O’Gorman and Frank Abruzzese. As, Co-Directors Rosie and Frank are responsible for the day-to-day management of the studios, including program scheduling and curriculum development. Rosie and Frank are also the primary teachers for the workshops and courses.

In addition to the family, we are delighted to have Ann Maria Healy, Mathilde Ganancia, Damien Flood, Laura Fitzgerald, and Paul Gaffney as associate artists. In addition to participating in a residency annually, these four artists teach during our summer program Art on the Farm and our gap year program FieldWorks. Above all else, our associate artists are highly accomplished practicing artists who are committed to working with young people and represent a diverse set of artistic practices ranging from painting to sculpture, installation, performance, video, and photography. In their young careers, all have exhibited widely whilst receiving recognition for their exceptional work as recipients of numerous grants and awards.


Frank Abruzzese, originally from Philadelphia, is a father, a photographer and avid cook. He obtained his Bachelors Degree in Moving Image Arts from the College of Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2000, and Master of Fine Arts from the San Francisco Art Institute in 2004. His work has been featured in Domus magazine, was part of the 2012 Istanbul Design Biennial and resides in the permanent collection of the Office of Public Works. He received the Emerging Photographer of the Year award from San Francisco Magazine, and as a photographer exhibits internationally in galleries and universities.

His Italian heritage and love of home cooked food have developed into a passion for cooking, and his meals are as much a part of the experience at Cow House as are the art-making and beautiful landscape. Frank is the photography instructor at Cow House. He loves teaching and has a keen interest in a multidisciplinary, ideas-based approach to working with students.

Rosie O’Gorman was born and raised in Wexford. Time spent on the farm as a child with her three sisters encouraged her love of inventive playfulness. Rosie is a mother of two boys Michael and Emmet; she is an artist, a dedicated teacher, and her ancestral home is now the place where Cow House Studios resides. Rosie attended the National College of Art and Design in Dublin, receiving her BA in Art and Design Education. During that time she became devoted to making contemporary art relatable and personally meaningful to her students. She was awarded two national Irish awards: the Larkin Memorial Award for her teaching and the Taylor Award for her painting. From Dublin, she moved to San Francisco where she received her MFA from San Francisco Art Institute with the support of a Fulbright Scholarship.

Her practice grew to include drawing, painting, installation and sculpture. Through Cow House Studios Rosie shares her home, family and her love of art and education.

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