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Berridge Programs

Profile last updated: Feb 12, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling: Yes
  • App Deadline: Nov 15, 2021
  • Next Available Departure? Jan, 2022
  • Mission Statement:

    Berridge offers gap year and summer high school arts programs in the US and France. Since 2008, we have built creative communities in inspiring settings that empower our students with an expanded sense of self, passion for art and a wider perspective on the world. Our programs value and nurture unique artistic voices and foster a sense of possibility around artistic practice and arts-based careers. We believe in the arts is a platform for cultivating personal resilience, deep listening and compassionate response and that the best art is made within the spirit of collaboration and community-mindedness. Our arts focused gap year program Creative Semester offers the opportunity to live in a creative community led by professional artists and combine artistic practice, cultural immersion, arts internship, community service and optional French language learning. Based at Chateau le Mont Epinguet in Normandy, France the program offers the unique opportunity to live in a historical residence surrounded by the culture and beauty of one of France’s most stunning regions.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Winter
  • Program Duration: Semester
  • Program Cost: 11475
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    Financial Need Scholarships for up to 60% of program tuition. Diversity Scholarships for up to 100% of program tuition.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Empower artists to find their unique voice
  • Support and nurture personal artistic growth
  • Progress and mature artistic technique
  • Build a portfolio or repertoire of work
  • Foster community-mindedness and collaborative spirit
  • Develop life experience, resilience and practical skills
  • Cultivate cross-cultural perspectives
  • Encourage creative initiative and independence
  • Strengthen discipline around artistic practice
  • Nurture creative risk-taking, playfulness and possibility

Staff Training and Certification

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