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Academic Programs Abroad (APA)

Profile last updated: Nov 24, 2020


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    APA Paris: Gap Year introduces students to the world-renowned artisan trades of the French. Over the course of the program, students will quickly improve French speaking and writing skills through classes in art history, political science, and the economy of creation. Field trips and site visits take participants across the city from museums to bakers and chocolatiers. APA's on-site staff is with the cohort every step of the way from orientation and housing to individual language support and day-to-day questions.

    APA is a boutique program provider in Paris, France with a passion to provide a first-rate experience abroad that unites academic excellence with the beauty and richness of French and Francophone culture. For over 30 years, students from more than 80 US colleges and universities have received a personalized, immersive education abroad in Paris; Dakar, Senegal; Rabat, Morocco; and Fort-de-France, Martinique. 

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

AM - Class: An Economy of Creation: Discovering the French Savoir-Faire. / PM - Site visit: a renowned chocolatier AM - Class: Painting, Sculpture in France in the 19th Century (Art History) / PM - Visit the Monet exhibit at the Musée d'Orsay AM - Individual Language Support: 60mn with a teaching assistant / PM - Play at La Comédie Française AM - Class: France Today (Political Science) / PM - Site visit: understanding diversity through the visit of La Goute d’Or neighborhood in the east of Paris. Explore the neighborhood of Montmartre Day trip to Versailles
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

AM - Class: An Economy of Creation: Discovering the French Savoir-Faire. / PM - Site visit: learn how to mix scents to create a fragrance at a parfumerie AM - Class: Painting, Sculpture in France in the 19th Century (Art History) / PM - Tour of the Rodin Museum AM - Individual Language Support: 60mn with a teaching assistant / PM - French rap concert AM - Class: France Today (Political Science) / PM - Meet your tandem linguistique (conversation buddy) at the café Meet friends at the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont for a picnic

• Day 1-2-3: Orientation. Meet the other participants, discover Paris, and take part in team building activities.
• Week 1 through 3: Intensive French course. During those 3 weeks, you will focus on French to be able to make the most of your Gap Year experience. This course helps students attain a sufficient competency level in French so that they feel comfortable communicating with others on a daily basis and to prepare for their other classes.
• Week 4 though 9: In order to better understand the history and intricacies of French society, the cohort follows a mix of three cultural and civic courses. Site visits and field trips are built into lessons, highlighting themes that are discussed during classroom instruction. Students also continue with weekly 60-minute individual language support sessions for the remainder of their time in Paris.

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost:
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    Inquire with APA at usa@apaparis.com for available grants for motivated students.

    Up-to-date program fees can be found on the APA website: https://www.apaparis.com/program/paris-intermediate/?topic=Fees

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Improved French language skills (oral and written expression and comprehension)
  • Gain international experience / Navigate and thrive in a new country
  • Increased cross-cultural communication skills
  • Become more adaptable to new and different situations
  • Broadened knowledge of French artisanry, art history, and political science

Staff Training and Certification

• Language Instructor: certified language instructor with master’s degree from Sorbonne Université in Teaching the French language and culture.
• Teaching Assistants: Each week, students get one hour of personalized tutoring in French with a TA. APA’s teaching assistants are native French speaking graduate students specializing in language instruction.
• Art history and political science professors: PhD holders.
• APA on-site support: APA has been welcoming students to Paris for over 30 years. APA provides academic and logistical support in order for students to fully benefit from their stay in Paris.

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