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Tahoe Resident Leadership Program

Profile last updated: Jan 20, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    We exist to grow and guide aspiring leaders in their faith with God and their role in ministry

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Ministry work, anchor text discussions, Flex-Day (academic work, part-time employment) Staff meetings, program meeting, youth night, Flex-Day-Mentor meetings, capstone projects Staff meetings, individual program check-ins Adventure day or free day Tahoe Adventure/Exploration (Fly fishing, rafting, rock climbing, skiing)
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Ministry work, anchor text discussions, Flex-Day (academic work, part-time employment) Staff meetings, program meeting, youth night, Flex-Day-Mentor meetings, capstone projects, part-time work Staff meetings, individual program check-ins, leadership series Adventure day or free day Tahoe Adventure/Exploration (Fly fishing, rafting, rock climbing)

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Summer
  • Program Duration: Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $4500
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes

Program Learning Outcomes

  • A transformative life-changing experience
  • Growth in spiritual maturity
  • Increased self-reliance and direction
  • Improved self-awareness in leadership skills
  • Life-long relationships
  • Preparedness for real-world work
  • Development of purpose and meaning

Experiential training in spiritual disciplines
Leadership Development - Leading while learning
Completion of a capstone ministry project
Unique and meaningful service projects (local, regional, global)
Inclusion in a dynamic and healthy church, located on a 52 acre campus
Network with multiple churches, leaders and pastors from all over United States
Immersive, authentic, experiences that pushes boundaries
300 days of sun
Outdoor Skill Training/Certification
Theological, spiritual, and life mentorship from TFC Staff and Mentors

Staff Training and Certification

The Program Director holds a bachelors in psychology from Colby College, a masters from The University of Denver in higher education administration, and is a Certified Educational Planner. Volunteer work- Trip leader and volunteer for refugee camps in Athens (2017), Volunteer Leader for 3-week service trip to Nepal
Sports: Varsity College Football (4 years), All-American 1999, All-New England Team, All-NESCAC Team,
Wilderness First Responder (2011) and Level 1 Avalanche (2007), Professional Ski Instructor Level 1 (2012)
Travel: Traveled to 39 countries; extensive travel in Australia, Nepal, New Zealand, Turkey, South America, Europe
Hobbies: Mountaineering (climbed all CO 14ers and NH peaks), backpacking, telemark skiing, mountain biking

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