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Raleigh International

Profile last updated: Feb 01, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: 2019
  • COVID-19 Plans: Still considering scenarios
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    We believe young people have the power to change the world. So we run overseas volunteering programs to ignite young people’s passion for change and equip them with the skills, networks and confidence to become youth leaders.

    We deliver Raleigh Expedition in Costa Rica and Nepal for 4, 5, 7 and 10 weeks throughout the year. Engage in long lasting change on community, environmental and adventure leadership projects. Work with local communities and volunteers to tackle environmental issues, access to education for all, and alleviate poverty.

    Join over 55,000 people from over 100 countries and become part of a global community dedicated to supporting youth-led action.

    Now is the time for action; change is coming because tomorrow’s too late.

    Raleigh Expedition COVID-19 update:

    As a result of the global pandemic, Raleigh International suspended its international volunteering programs on 16 March 2020 and successfully and safely returned over 500 volunteers home. Raleigh international staff team are now working remotely at home but fully connected and focused on restarting our programs or continuing where safe to do so.

    We remain optimistic that our Raleigh Expedition programs from July 2021 will go ahead and are continuing to monitor this very closely. The safety and wellbeing of our volunteers, staff and the communities where we work, is at the heart of everything we do at Raleigh. We are constantly monitoring the advice provided by the World Health Organisation, the UK government, as well as governments in our countries of operation.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

The 10 week Expedition is the most immersive of our Expeditions, allowing you to join us for almost three months overseas.
Take part in three different projects, across three different locations. 

The projects you could be part of are:

Drive change where it is needed the most by working with local communities in Nepal to improve access to water and sanitation facilities or education in rural communities. In Costa Rica you will join forces with locals to improve access to education in indigenous areas.

Environmental projects give you the chance to play an active role in combating climate change. You will work to sustain natural resources with reforestation initiatives and infrastructure improvements, giving vital access to protected areas. You will work alongside local communities to change habits, for example, promoting firewood alternatives and encouraging the development of a more diverse range of crops.

Adventure Leadership Trek:
Adventure projects give you the chance to trek through incredible sceneries whilst developing your leadership and teamwork skills. We start and finish our treks together, but you and your team will navigate the route yourselves. It gives you a chance to go back to basics and learn to be self-sufficient, appreciating the environment we live in.

Days 1 - 4: Arrival, Orientation & Induction
Days 5 - 24: Phase 1 Project
Days 25 - 26: Changeover Debrief
Days 27 - 46: Phase 2 Project
Days 47 - 48: Changeover Debrief
Days 49 - 68: Phase 3 Project
Days 69 - 70: Debrief & departure

If you do not have as much time, our 7 week Expeditions are a great option to join multiple full-length projects with Raleigh International.
Take part in two different projects in two different locations, where you will work on a Community or Environmental project, alongside an Adventure Leadership Trek. You will be able to give a preference for which projects you'd like to be part of and we'll do our best to accommodate that.

Days 1 - 4: Arrival, Orientation & Induction
Days 5 - 24: Phase 1 Project
Days 25 - 26: Changeover Debrief
Days 27 - 47: Phase 2 Project
Days 48 - 49: Debrief & departure

We run 5 week Expeditions in Nepal in July and August only and 4 week Expeditions in Costa Rica in July and August.
These are perfect if you are short on time but full of enthusiasm and really want to get involved. On these programs you will have the opportunity to work on a Community or Environment project, in addition to a short Adventure Leadership Trek phase.

Days 1 - 4: Arrival, Orientation & Induction
Days 5 - 23: Phase 1 Project
Days 24 - 25: Changeover Debrief
Followed by an 8 day trek on the 5 week Expedition and a 3 day trek on the 4 week Expedition.
Days 28/34 - 35: Debrief & departure

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: From $3100 to $5000 including all in-country food, travel, accommodation and medical insurance
  • Program Financial Aid: No

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Leadership & Teamwork - We create the youth leaders of tomorrow by empowering our volunteers and teams with the skills, experience and connections to change the world.
  • Intercultural learning - Our teams are made up by people from all over the world including volunteers from the countries we work in. This enables a multi-cultural exchange and every participant to widen their horizon and learn more about other cultures.
  • Service learning - Our volunteers contribute on real projects, immersed in real places, working with local people.
  • Active global citizenship - A Raleigh Expedition encourages young people to take their learnings from Expedition and apply them in their own communities to create lasting change by becoming active citizens.
  • Personal growth - A Raleigh Expedition will push you out of your comfort zone and show you your true potential. You will gain confidence in your own skills and abilities and become more self-assured.
  • Building character and resilience - A Raleigh Expedition will be a uniquely challenging environment, physically and mentally for you. You will learn to overcome obstacles and respond flexibly and confidently to any unexpected changes.
  • Raising Aspirations - Our programs increase self-confidence, expand worldviews and raise aspirations. The experience is proven to enhance employability.
  • Safety and risk management - Our volunteers are supported by our professional team to learn and manage dynamic risks.
  • Campcraft - The Raleigh Expedition Adventure Leadership Trek gives an opportunity for simple, self-sustained living in the outdoors.

We're a respected youth-driven charity with more than 30 years experience of working through young volunteers to deliver and inspire meaningful change. At Raleigh International, we want you to make an informed choice about the type of work you choose to undertake as a volunteer overseas. Find out more about how Raleigh travels responsibly at: https://raleighinternational.org/volunteer/responsible-volunteering/

Staff Training and Certification

As a youth driven charity we are committed to creating worthwhile programs with lasting impact. We have a permanent presence in every country we work in with a local field office and permanent staff. This means we are able to build relationships with governments, NGOs and local communities to ensure our projects are genuinely needed and are planned and delivered with long-term partners.

Raleigh's Expedition programs adhere to the British Safety Standard, BS8848:2014. This is the standard for organizing and managing visits, fieldwork, Expeditions, and adventurous activities outside the UK. Each year we are audited by an external body against this standard.

We know how to work safely in the countries where we operate. In each one, we regularly conduct risk assessments to help form our safety plans. Our people are our strength. It is important we train everyone in Raleigh's safety systems. The plans developed in the countries we work in are overseen by a team in our London Head Office who are always here to provide support, should it be needed. We also have permanent offices in the countries where we work and trained medical professionals on all of our programs.

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