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Dance Gap Year

Profile last updated: Jul 10, 2020


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: Hybrid (online & in-person)
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    Dance Gap Year now offers ages [17+ virtual programs] [18+ full travel programs] the opportunity to experience the breadth of the global dance community virtually.

    At DGY, our instructors are selected worldwide. Teachers are based in Berlin, New York, France, Taiwan, Spain, California, Tanzania, Uganda, Shenzhen and more. Classes range from traditional techniques such as Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Contemporary, to exploratory movement classes like Starfish, Dancing For The Soul, Fusion of Movement, and somatic practices including Pilates, Graham Fit, Qi Gong, Gyrokinesis, and more. But what makes our virtual program so unique? We incorporate native languages into our classes allowing participants to actively learn the basics of a foregin language through movement, along with having a (1) designated personal dance mentor plus (2) a project specialist and to top it off, because we are a registered organization with the United Nations International Council For Dance, participants are eligible for a certificate of completion (150 hours) provided by the UN as well as a membership for a year to UNCID. 
    Once we are able to travel, our programs will resume in New York City, Los Angeles + Abroad, as well as short volunteer trips and international dance conferences held by UNCID. Pizarts will continue to offer our 3-9 month virtual gap year certificate program virtually, for its financial flexibility allows more participants to experience the journey.

    All virtual programs will have travel options of 10-21 days in a group selected location abroad. Join us to enhance your dance-artistry, performance & technique; develop your skills as an empowered dancer & entrepreneur, experience cross-cultural exchange & build your creative network stretching across the globe.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Creative Collaboration(1) Presentation(2) Movement Class(2) Movement Class(2) Mentorship(1) Movement Class(2) Cultural Project(1) Movement Class(2) Personal Project(1)
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Sample 10 Day Trip Valencia Spain (Virtual Cohort) Orientation Production Meeting (4) Cultural Activity (2) Rehearsal (4) Cultural Activity (2) Movement (2) Rehearsal (4) Cultural Activity(4) Mentorship (2) Movement(2) Performance(4) Cultural Activity(4)

150 Hour Virtual Certificate Program provided through the United Nations International Dance Council designed and run by Pizarts Dance Gap Year.

Virtual programs application submission deadline: 14 days prior to program orientation date.

Fall 2020 3 months: September 11th orientation; Start date 14th
Winter 2021 3 months: January 8th orientation; Start date 11th
Spring 2021 3 months: May 1st orientation; Start date 3rd

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $1,500-$9,000
  • Program Financial Aid: No
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    Grants for individuals can be found at https://www.danceusa.org/opportunitiesforfunding

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Dance and network with artists from all over the world
  • Experience the diversity of music, food, and culture
  • Make friends with creative thinkers like yourself
  • Explore unconventional dance approaches
  • Grow your creative artistry
  • Accomplish a personal goal
  • Exercise your thoughts into artistic action
  • Push boundaries and question norms in dance
  • Build your own dance journey and find your voice
  • Engage in different languages through movement

After completing your three month program meet up with your co-hort for a 10 day collaborative reunion to create in person while exploring a different country.

Note: There are three certificates available totaling 9 months. Those who want to do only 3 months will spend 10 days abroad (optional), those who complete all three parts will spend 3 weeks abroad (not optional).

Staff Training and Certification

Like the performing arts there is no one way to build a career in such an eclectic field nonetheless our staff consist of artists and educators whom:
Hold a degree in Higher Education
Perform for a world recognized dance company
Hold tenure as a teacher, performer and trained expert

For programs that require travelling, all staff are:
CPR/AED certified
Have undergone a thorough training course in safety and preparedness in leading travel programs.

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