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Profile last updated: Feb 10, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: Hybrid (online & in-person)
  • Enrolling: Yes
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    InterExchange is dedicated to promoting cultural awareness and international understanding through a wide range of work and travel, camp, language, volunteer, professional training, internship, and au pair programs within the United States and around the world. Our goal is to create affordable and exciting cultural exchange programs with an unparalleled level of support.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

InterExchange program itineraries are many and varied, including one-year stays with host families abroad, open-ended work and travel programs, short-term education tours, and more. While there's no "typical" InterExchange itinerary, all programs at minimum include personal pre-departure support, orientation or meet-and-greet sessions and ongoing agency support when needed.

Au Pair
As a live-in childcare provider for a host family in Australia, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, or Spain, typical daily responsibilities will include getting the kids ready for school or other activities, helping with their meals, dropping them off / picking them up, keeping them on task with homework and chores, encouraging (and participating in) their hobbies, and light household work. Join an orientation program or join your host family directly and attend a meet-and-greet with your agency later on. Your host family will help you settle in during your first few weeks, showing you around their home, neighborhood, and the locations where the kids' activities take place. For programs in Europe you may take a language class where you'll be able to meet other participants. You can also join periodic activities with other au pairs such as cultural outings or play groups for the kids in your care.

Language Immersion
At the airport look out for your pickup person for your transfer to your host family or alternative accommodation (hostels and hotels available). On Monday attend an orientation and brief placement exam to match with the right instructor. Classes take place in the morning and afternoon, Monday - Friday. In the mornings and evenings enjoy a home-cooked meal with your host family, or gather with friends at your hostel. Cultural activities and language exchanges with local English learners are available and you're welcome to book weekend activities of your choice. Programs end the final Saturday or your program.

Language Homestay
After matching with a pre-screened host family you will arrange a meeting time/place for your arrival in France, Italy, or Spain. Your host families will help you adapt to their home and community during your first week, and set up a tutoring schedule with you. You'll be responsible for 15 hours/week of English tutoring for their children. This can include lessons derived from school texts, English practice through hobbies like sports, arts, or games, or a combination of both. Typically weekends are free to explore the region. Tutors are encouraged to engage with their hosts informally, take a language or visit local cities with other participants.

Sustainable Action Costa Rica
Pre-program you'll be given suggested readings to help enrich your experience on the program. Upon arrival you'll meet your traveling peers (typically a combination of gappers and college students) and join group leaders for a welcome dinner and orientation. You'll hit the ground running from day two with visits to local organizations who have undertaken a range of creative initiatives supporting Costa Rica's sustainable development. Hiking, swimming, and other adventure activities round out the week. The group will meet daily for debrief and reflective activities.

Work & Travel
The beauty of the Work & Travel programs is that you get to choose where and when you travel and work, with local teams available for support in the background, when you need it. Your first week includes orientation with information on finding jobs, accommodation, and sorting out other logistics like getting a local phone plan, bank account, and tax number. Most participants join a Welcome Week including activities an excursions with new friends. Thereafter you'll be able to take on a range of seasonal jobs working in places like restaurants, retail stores, ski mountains, farms, offices, and more.

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $35 - $3,500. Depending on program this includes housing (or initial housing with support finding longer solution), meals, orientation, in-country agency support. Each program is different and we welcome the chance to speak with you about inclusions.
  • Program Financial Aid: No
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    We periodically offer discounts, grants, and awards. Through the Christianson Grant, the InterExchange Foundation has awarded over $700,000 to motivated young Americans who create and carry out their own meaningful service projects abroad.

    Au Pair programs include a stipend. Work & Travel programs connect participants with short-term jobs so they can earn money as they travel.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Intercultural competence
  • International workforce skills
  • Language skills
  • Cultural knowledge
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Career-specific development
  • Travel savvy
  • Resilience
  • Networking ability
  • An expanded cultural comfort zone

InterExchange Working Abroad programs connect you with actual responsibilities in local communities over for sustained periods of time. This means that you will have the chance develop the soft skills that employers increasingly seek in the 21st century, by actually working alongside locals in their community. You will learn to navigate intercultural work or volunteer environments through independent placements with host families, employers, schools, or other locations. While our programs include pre-departure and in-country support, you will build skills necessary to independently overcome intercultural challenges in order to thrive in diverse settings. Along the way you will pick up important travel skills (navigating local transportation systems, local banking and phone use, shopping for day-to-day necessities in an international setting, etc).

Staff Training and Certification

Our New York City office consists of a community of seasoned travelers who speak a combined total of 23 languages and hail from 11 countries. All members of our our team supporting U.S. citizens on gap year programs have lived and worked abroad. In addition to program-specific training, staff have access to monthly themed learning groups and the wealth of institutional knowledge available to us as longstanding members of the Worldwide Youth and Student Travel Confederation (WYSTC) and International Au Pair Association (IAPA).

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