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Infinite U

Profile last updated: Nov 24, 2020


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: Online only
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    Our mission is to help ambitious 18-23 year olds live a meaningful life, crush it in the marketplace and build wealth rather than debt. With a rapidly changing marketplace and rising student loan crisis, our goal is to empower young adults to identify their goals and equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to start a business or land a sales/marketing job without the burden of student loans.

    Infinite U co-founders Brandon and Brennan have spent the last few years running six and seven figure business enterprises in their early 20s and now want to see young adults thrive in the marketplace debt free. What was once a 15-year goal became a short term reality when both Brandon and Brennan saw an opportunity to serve more students due to Covid-19.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

- Students can start anytime from anywhere
- Weekly commitment takes 3-6 hours, it's fast but self paced
- Week 1: Building Your Infinite Foundation - Map out your life, clarify your goals, discover your strengths/skills/weaknesses
- Week 2: Your Life is Your Responsibility - Take ownership of your life, transform your mindset to build confidence, never fear failure again
- Week 3: Making Money Matters - Become financially literate, learn how to budget/save/spend/invest, know and increase your net worth
- Week 4: Traditional Education vs. Modern Marketplace Reality - Discover the modern marketplace and see where school/work fits into it
- Week 5: Start Your Business - (NOT JUST THEORY) - Find a problem, build a solution, find paying customers, setup your business, learn sales/marketing
- Week 6: Pursue a Meaningful Career - Find a job, start work, get paid, increase your income, fund your business
- Week 7: What You Won't Learn in the Classroom - Practical lifestyle advice and life hacks to increase your productivity & independence
- Week 8: Secrets to Success - Think & act like the top 1%, learn about systems thinking and feedback loops, invest in stocks & real estate
- Week 9: Betting on Yourself - Have no doubt you have everything you need to thrive, work with our team to focus on the #1 next step

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $4,800
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    We do our best to work with financial aid based on each student's situation.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Discover your strengths and skills, utilize personality tests, identify your goals, map out your life
  • Build confidence, overcome fear, develop an entrepreneurial mindset, hack your brain
  • Learn financial literacy, manage your money, learn how to budget, how to save, spend and invest your money, increase your net worth
  • Learn how the modern marketplace works, discover the different ways to make money, increase your income immediately, find out how how you learn best, identify the skills and knowledge you need to win
  • Become an entrepreneur and start a business, pick a niche, build a product/service, setup your website, accounts, systems, find paying customers
  • Develop your skills in sales and marketing, learn different sales techniques, get access to sales scripts, learn real world marketing and how to use digital marketing and paid ads to scale your business
  • Find a job, start work, get paid, increase your income with a job, identify the path towards your dream job and ideal career
  • Become independent and live on your own, understand how credit, taxes and bankruptcy works, learn how to live with roommates, understand lease agreements
  • Take yourself to the next level and become a high achiever by learning how to improve your habits, how to improve your sleep, focus, time management and health
  • Learn what it takes to become a millionaire, implement success and financial principles immediately, overcome all fear and never fail again, learn specific investing techniques with stocks and real estate to build wealth

Staff Training and Certification

Infinite U co-founders Brandon and Brennan have spent the last few years running business enterprises. Brandon built a six figure consulting business at the age of 24 and Brennan built a coffee enterprise and was responsible for 150 employees (all 18-23) and generating seven figures in revenue. Both Brandon & Brennan are passionate about seeing young people discover their purpose and thrive in the marketplace without being held back by student loans or meaningless lectures.

Students receive 1-on-1 coaching from Brandon and Brennan throughout the 9-weeks to ensure each student achieves their desired goals and outcomes.

Students will receive a Certificate of Completion when they complete the training program. However, we focus on the results, resume and references of our students more than providing them a certificate.

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