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High Mountain Institute

Profile last updated: Jun 16, 2020


  • GYA Accredited Since: 2017
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    The High Mountain Institute engages students with the natural world. Our school boldly unites rigorous intellectual inquiry, experiential learning, wilderness expeditions, and shared responsibility in a strong community. Our students realize their potential—as leaders, independent thinkers, and thoughtful citizens.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Our Fall 2020 semesters will be domestic and take place in the American West. We will use the same course areas as we previously did in Colorado and Utah. By the end of June 2020 we will publicly post plans for additional course areas. New course areas are being carefully chosen to ensure students of our Fall 2020 semester will walk-away with the same outcomes as all our alumni. Please visit our website for the most up to date information on new course area selection for the Wilderness and Conservation Semester and the Climbing and Conservation Semester.

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $15,900
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    We offer need-based financial aid. We accept 529 Educational Savings Plans as well.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Competence and independence in outdoor skills
  • Environmental ethics and deep understanding of environmental issues
  • Communication skills and ability to give and receive feedback, resolve conflict, and communicate personal needs
  • Improved self-awareness and reflection on personal values and purpose
  • Refined leadership and ability to work effectively on a team
  • Increased confidence and self-advocacy
  • Resilience, flexibility, ability to thrive in the face of discomfort
  • Judgment and decision-making
  • Interaction with diverse perspectives and worldviews
  • Life skills: time management, budgeting, meal planning and preparation, and personal organization

Central to all HMI Gap year programs is extended experience and practice in outdoor adventure. Each course goes into great depth to advance students’ skill in either rock climbing or wilderness travel. Whether climbing iconic sandstone towers in Utah or hiking through a breathtaking glacial valley in Patagonia, our outdoor curriculum is aimed at moving students toward excellence and independence.

Our rock climbing curriculum is aimed at moving students beyond the fundamentals of outdoor climbing to progress toward competence and independence in advanced traditional and sport climbing skills. The progression is individualized based on students’ previous experience, skill level, and personal goals.

Our wilderness curriculum prepares students to comfortably live and travel for extended periods of time in back-country settings, both domestically and internationally, navigate in diverse terrain, and evaluate and manage the hazards inherent to the outdoors.

All experience levels are welcome; however, we encourage students to have a strong interest in spending time outdoors.

Staff Training and Certification

All of our instructors are highly trained and experienced outdoor and environmental educators. All staff are certified Wilderness First Responders. Many have formal training and/or certifications from the American Mountain Guides Association or comparable institutions. Our program directors have advanced degrees in environmental studies and education.

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