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Student Ventures Academy

Profile last updated: Jan 24, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: Online only
  • Enrolling: Yes
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Feb, 2021
  • Mission Statement:

    Student Ventures Academy, powered by GeeLearn, seeks to provide experiential learning opportunities to students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Our organization will combine best practices in eLearning and startup acceleration to develop business and entrepreneurship know-how in our participants. In addition, we strive to develop skills in technology and networking, especially in the digital realm, through programming, software, digital design and media, and social media learning and application to real-world projects. Our programs are designed to provide participants with lifelong knowledge and understanding of how to discover opportunities, test ideas, start and grow new businesses, work in teams, build relationships and partnerships, acquire resources, and strategize for scaling. Besides building such knowledge tools, we quest for the creation and incorporation of new organizations, including businesses and social enterprises, as an output of our programs. Through our online offerings we endeavor to reach, teach, and motivate eligible participants wherever they are locate in the world. We will serve a diverse global audience while molding our participants to behave in inclusive modes, value equality, and make new global citizens in the process.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Day off for rest Free time Off-the-grid +Cohort Meeting Kickoff -Market research +Idea generation +Researching +Reading -Exercise +Language learning -Do "homework" +online course in programming +online course digital marketing +social media tasks +1-1 meeting -mentor research -Exercise -Language learning 1 hour +online course in programming +language learning 1 hour -session on health and wellness for the entrepreneurial lifestyle -- sleep, eating, exercising, mental health -online courses -market research -intellectual property overview -explore a country of the world virtually -exercise -open cohort chat online -make a friend -language learning -online courses in technlogy -reading -market research -online guest speaker -exercise -online programming and digital courses +"Liberal arts" entrepreneurship reading +Language learning 1 hour -Update social media profile -Exercise
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Day off for rest Free time Off-the-grid -Cohort meeting -debrielf -Intellectual property overview and reading -Explore organizational types -Exercise -Langauage learning -Do "homework" +online course in programming +online course digital marketing +social media tasks +1-1 meeting -mentor research -Exercise -Language learning 1 hour +online course in programming +language learning 1 hour -session on health and wellness for the entrepreneurial lifestyle -- building relationships virtually -Case on entrepreneurship in a developing country -online courses -market research -intellectual property overview -explore a country of the world virtually -exercise -Reading of founders stories -Introduction to entrepreneurial financing -Online cohort health and wellness session -Cooking class -connect with a new friend -Research mentors -language learning -Exercise -Guest speaker onlie +"Liberal arts" entrepreneurship reading +Language learning 1 hour -Exercise -Self-improvement independent time

Undergraduate Programs (Gap Year / Leave of Absence / School Leavers / First Year Out*

Undergraduate Venture Year Program: Sept 2021-May 2022
Venture Semester (Gap Semester) 2020 : Feb 2021-May 2021
Venture Semester (Gap Semester) 2021: Sept 2021-Dec 2021
Summer Accelerator (May-August) 2021

Graduate / Postgraduate / Professional (MBA, Law, Medical) / Postdoctoral Programs (Gap Year / Leave of Absence / First Year Out)*

Postgraduate Venture Year Program: Sept 2021-May 2022
Search Fund Accelerator (MBA/Professional/Law/Postgraduate) Oct 2021- May 2022
Hedge Fund Accelerator (MBA/Professional/Law/Postgraduate) Oct 2021- May 2022
Postdoc Accelerator: Oct 2021- May 2022

*All programs on the calendar are contingent on a minimum cohort size

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: USD 9,999
  • Program Financial Aid: No
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    -Payment plans available.
    -We are seeking outside scholarship funds for participants in need, this effort is in-progress

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to analyze macro trends and identify new business opportunities
  • Build skills in the use of technology, including programming skill
  • Learn how to do online commerce and put it into practice
  • Discover Yourself, including “what you are good at” and “what you want to do”
  • Learn how to take an idea to market, especially digital ideas in the for- or non- profit realms
  • Enrich your knowledge about other regions and countries of the world through cohort interaction and guided virtual experiences
  • Learn the language of business and
  • Gain an understanding of Silicon Valley, its history, culture, and what makes it special
  • Develop new foreign language skills or develop new ones
  • Learn how to be a leader and a follower on a team, and how to reach goals together as a team while working remotely online

-Benefit from a structured program that requires discipline yet is fun
-Participate in a virtual manner, 100% online and does not require “live” interaction during Covid-19 times
-Earn digital badges based on marketable skills and knowledge gains
-Have a "Silicon Valley" experience online
-Work closely with an experienced entrepreneur, former venture capitalist from Silicon Valley who is also a professor of entrepreneurship and business at the university level
-Develop real skills in business and entrepreneurship
-Start a real business and incorporate in a local or international jurisdiction
-Found a social enterprise or non-profit, or raise a search fund (MBA and postgraduate students)
-Acquire social media marketing skills
-Learn and be inspired by entrepreneur guest speakers who have "been there, done that".
-Build new connections through online networking
-Acquire connections in Silicon Valley and other startup regions of the world that you can nurture for a lifetime
-Build your social networks and personal brand
-Take university-level courses that are applicable to business online (and possibly receive credit for them), in-line with your university’s gap year or leave-of-absence policy
-Gain a level of maturity
-Achieve a higher level of GPA upon return to university or college
-Form startup teams at your option
-Create Intellectual Property (IP)
-Learn about intellectual property ownership, types and strategy
-Own your own IP developed by you or your team

Staff Training and Certification

-University level entrepreneurship and business teaching of 18 years
-Lectured and instructed at universities of Edinburgh, Stanford, Cornell, Royal Roads, Victoria, Lynn, Trento, Les Roches
-Early Stage technology venture capital in Silicon Valley (Stanford-related)
-Entrepreneur, CoFounder, Director of a dozen+ firms over 30 year period
-Cofounder of social enterprises and a non-profit
-Served on both for- and non-profit boards of directors
-Former Hotel turnaround general manager
-Started an internet travel company in 1994 and sold in 1996
-Trained in board director responsibilities, duties, and activities
-Trained and practiced in computer programming
-eLearner design and development training
-Trained in Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in the classroom
-Trained in hotel management and earned CHA from AHLA
-Trained in teaching at the university level
-Trained in leading and managing virtual teams
-Trained in technology entrepreneurship teaching through the Stanford Technology Ventures Program and EFER over a 6 year period
-Trained in online teaching and has 18 years of experience
-Edinburgh-Stanford Link coordinator of 7 years at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland
-Former CEO of Student Agencies Incorporated in Ithaca, New York (America's oldest student-run conglomerate)
-Incubator CEO, CoFounder; Accelerator CoFounder and Director
-Formally educated in business, technology, entrepreneurship, venture capital, innovation, hospitality, food and beverage, tourism, public policy
-BS Hotel Administration, MBA Johnson Graduate School of Business, Cornell University
-MSc/PhD Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Edinburgh

-Max is a current Cornell University student studying business and computer science
-Has participated in online learning programs during his gap years and summers
-Former junior "A" ice hockey goalie in Canada
-Experienced in digital sales, computer programming, hospitality, bartending, interviewing skills, marketing

-Entrepreneurial experience in elearning
-eLearning developer and instructional designer
-Videography and filmmaking
-MSc and MLitt in digital design and media and TV production
-Speaks Mandarin, English and Spanish

-Studied computer science at Florida Technical College and the University of Pittsburgh
-Website development and design
-Graphic arts and embroidery entrepreneur of 20 years

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