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Institute for Field Education

Profile last updated: Feb 04, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling: Yes
  • App Deadline: May 15, 2021
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2021
  • Mission Statement:

    IFE is a European not-for-profit institute founded in 1988 committed to trans-Atlantic understanding through exploration of European perspectives. IFE provides credit-bearing education abroad programming to US colleges and universities, as well as Gap Year programs for students who have graduated high school. IFE’s vision for international education has language at its core and uses experiential education in an international setting to build not only comparative knowledge but also students’ engagement, curiosity, and self-reliance.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

SAMPLE WEEK of PART I (fall) Language course + Contemporary society course Language course + Contemporary society course + Outing to the theater Language course + Interviewing locals as part of research for practicum topic Contemporary society course + visit and discussion with a local non-profit Language course + Contemporary society course + visit to a local market
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

SAMPLE WEEK of PART II (spring) Go to work in a local bakery + Meet at IFE center for workshop discussing intercultural workplace Go to work in a local bakery Go to work in a local bakery + Meet at IFE center for discussion on current issues Go to work in a local bakery + work on internship report Go to work in a local bakery + movie night optional day trip to cultural site near the city

Week 1 represents a typical week in Part I of the program (fall)
Week 2 represents a typical week in Part II of the program (spring) (n.b. the bakery is one example of a possible internship)

In Strasbourg FRANCE and Gijon (Asturias), SPAIN, THE IFE EUROPEAN GAP YEAR programs offer an affordable two-stage year abroad enabling students to become fluent in French or Spanish and gain valuable internship experience, while acquiring cross-cultural skills and increased self confidence and independence. Student groups are small, enabling individualized programming, guidance and follow-up, throughout both parts of the program.

IFE’s European Gap Years take place in two stages from September to May.

Part I - Exploration & Adaptation (September - December)

- intensive language training to improve their intermediate level to a more advanced level focused especially on oral skills and confidence

- an in-depth introduction to local and European society and contemporary issues

- cross-cultural training including extensive opportunities for site-visits, inter-cultural workshops, interaction with local residents, and the like.

Part II - Internship & Integration (January-May)

- A course preparing students to take on an internship in another language and culture. Focused on issues in contemporary European society, students explore the context of the workforce they are entering.

-An internship where students use language in a practical setting, develop workplace relationships by putting into play knowledge and skills gained over the fall.

-A companion course to the internship, where students can process their experience and further explore intercultural communication

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall
  • Program Duration: Yearlong
  • Program Cost: 12,800 EUROS (year-long program); all fees, excursions, room and board for seven months
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Fluency in French or Spanish
  • Adaptability in new cultural settings
  • Intercultural communication skills
  • Practical experience via an internship
  • Civic engagement in another language and culture
  • Cross-cultural understanding of European society
  • Independence and self-reliance
  • Leadership skills, self-evaluation and values training

Staff Training and Certification

Strasbourg program coordinator: Tarek Amraoui -- Tarek holds a Master’s degree in sociology from the University of Strasbourg, specializing in "Social Dynamics and Conflicts: Theories in the Field”, with thesis research focusing on the associative engagement of French and Belgian youth from North African immigrant backgrounds. He developed as a youth trainer for the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. His areas of specialization are interculturalism, migration, citizenship, civic engagement, youth participation, social work, and informal education.

Asturias Program Coordinator Lorena Rodríguez Álvarez -- Lorena is professor of Spanish as a Second Language at the University of Oviedo and also Coordinator for IFE's Field Study (study abroad) programs.in Asturias. Previous experience includes teaching in the Spanish Studies Department of Calvin College, at the Cervantès Institute of Gijón, and other institutions.

FOR FULL IFE STAFF see IFE website (http://www.ife-edu.eu/Administrative-staff)

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