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Rising Earth Immersion at The Eco-Institute

Profile last updated: Mar 17, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling: Yes
  • App Deadline: Apr 5, 2021
  • Next Available Departure? Jun, 2021
  • Mission Statement:

    **Covid-19 update: We are fortunate enough to have experience with running Covid-responsible (and Covid-free!) in-person programs in both the summer and fall of 2020, thanks to our small-scale adaptability; rural, relatively isolated location within access of great health care; careful community; and multi-faceted Covid mitigation protocol (quarantining + exposure tracking, symptoms tracking, and 2 rounds of testing).

    Further, we have crafted the most socially dynamic and culturally responsive iteration of Rising Earth EVER, a whole-hearted celebration of the new decade, engagement in species-wide grief and possibility, and response to the rising cultural energy for meaningful activism. Please see website for details.**

    Whole-Systems Living for Social & Ecological Healing

    It's a rich and demanding time to come of age on planet Earth.

    Human civilization is increasingly confronted with complex social and ecological
    issues, including global climate disruption, systemic injustice, and a growing culture
    of isolation, alienation, and consumerism. For all of us, the future is unclear, and the
    next generation needs much more than traditional education affords: they require
    tangible skills for living purposefully, communicating effectively, and responding
    creatively to the growing complexity of our shared world.

    Rising Earth is a holistic immersion for social and environmental change-makers, ages 18-28. This is a program for both aspiring and experienced activists!

    We take an intersectional approach to environmental leadership, with strong focuses on social justice, spirituality, and mindfulness. While living on-site at The Eco-Institute in Chapel Hill, NC, participants develop regenerative agriculture, homesteading, contemplative practice, somatic self-care, conscious communication, collaborative leadership, and dynamic activism skills.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Permaculture Foundations Course (Fall program only) Leadership activities, Elders' Circle [break to retrieve the baby goats from the blueberry patch] Garden Cooperative, Collaborative Activism Project Field Trip: Climate March in Raleigh with 350.org Triangle Garden Cooperative, Spiritual Ecology Lecture Deep Clean, Somatic Leadership class, Peer Skill-Share Farmers' Market, Homesteading Workshop, Rest
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

"Artivism" (art + activism) Intensive with local art collective Paperhand Puppet Intervention (a.k.a. making giant puppets out of recycled materials!) Nonviolent Communication Workshop, Yoga Class Anti-Oppression Workshop, Community Potluck Field Trip: Timberlake Earth Sanctuary with El Centro Hispano's youth leaders Garden Cooperative, Renewable Energy Lecture Prep for overnight camping trip Depart for camping trip

The host site of the Rising Earth Immersion is The Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain, an educational non-profit, Learning Community and Earth Sanctuary, established in 2005. The Eco-Institute host a number of programs, including a thriving garden cooperative, permaculture education courses, homesteading workshops, and community resilience programs for young folks through Elders.

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $5,500-$12,000
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    Our scholarship program for the Rising Earth Immersion is one humble attempt to redistribute financial resources, as part of a wider effort to make environmental, experiential and alternative education available, accessible and inclusive to all.

    If you are a young adult interested in eco-social justice, we invite you to apply to the Rising Earth Immersion. Bring your creativity, uniqueness, life experiences and deep love of the Earth. If you need financial support for the program, we invite you to apply for a scholarship. We want you to be here.

    We offer need- and equity-based scholarships, with a priority on equity, especially for BIPOC. We consider applications based on an assessment of equity, need, and the resources we have available at the time of the request. All scholarship applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis.

    The amount of scholarship funds available have fluctuated over the years. In 2019 and 2020, we’ve offered scholarships in the range from 15% - 100% of the tuition amount.

    The scholarship application is included in the program application.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Earn a Permaculture Foundations Certificate (Fall program only)
  • Deepen your understanding of the interwoven ties between ecosystems, economy, and sustainable living
  • Learn to communicate more boldly, effectively and nonviolently
  • Apply principles of permaculture to future agricultural or cultural projects, including human design
  • Bond with a group of inspired allies about causes that matter to you
  • Plan and carry out a Collaborative Activism Project, the shared responsibility of the group from start to finish
  • Engage conversations about power, privilege, oppression, and other institutions that construct our social realities and the challenges they present for our planet’s well-being
  • Develop emotional literacy and clarity on your life's path
  • Practice hyperlocalism by growing, harvesting, and crafting meals from scratch
  • Build skills and endurance for embodying your commitments and values

What makes the Rising Earth Immersion different from other gap year options?:

-The age range: this program is for change-makers between the ages of 18 and 28

-The integrated community aspect is an unique model that offers the benefit of learning from peers confronting the challenges of different developmental stages, within a community that provides relationships with older folks, other residents, and mentors

-The holistic nature of the curriculum provides a unique lens that unites cultural narratives often framed as separate efforts: social justice, environmental justice, and the inner journey of psycho-emotional-spiritual development

-An internationally-recognized certificate (Permaculture Foundations) not typically offered in a collegiate setting is in line with the recent rise in skills-based education and vocational schooling (Fall program only)

-Relatively fewer and less intense classical wilderness experiences than other nature-oriented gap options offer the perspective that such physically demanding, often costly experiences are not the only avenue to connection with the natural world

Staff Training and Certification

Direct supervision staff are Mental Health First Aid + CPR/First Aid at minimum. Some have more advanced emergency medical training, like Wilderness First Responder.

The Rising Earth program features a leadership community: a devoted team of culture changers from diverse professional backgrounds. Classes and workshops are led social organizers, herbalists, permaculture designers, professors, authors, renewable energy engineers, natural builders, and leading thinkers in climate justice and alternative economics.

The Rising Earth program participants are supported and spend time with the wider Eco-Institute community, which includes not only other residents but community members that take active part in the well-being of the farm and learning center.

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