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American University Gap Program

Profile last updated: May 29, 2020


  • GYA Accredited Since: Unaccredited by the GYA. Please see the Standards for more information.
  • COVID-19 Plans: Hybrid (online & in-person)
  • Enrolling:
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Sep, 2024
  • Mission Statement:

    The primary mission of the American University Gap Program is to provide a unique opportunity for personal and professional development in Washington DC through experiential learning, internships, mentoring, skill development and guided reflection.

    • a rigorous experiential learning opportunity through a faculty-supervised internship with a Washington DC organization combined with a stimulating academic experience led by AU faculty that includes lectures, simulations, guest speakers, and site visits.

    **This fall, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are offering the program completely online to students who live outside of the Washington DC area. Students will engage in telework for their DC internship sites and engage virtually with their professors and guest speakers. Students who live close to the AU campus, or who decide to relocate to DC for the program, can choose the hybrid option: an onsite internship with an online seminar course.

    • service learning and social opportunities and a chance to taste college life on the American University campus.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Service projects, social life and time to explore on your own Mentored Field Practicum/Professional Development class Mentored Field Practicum (internship) American Politics Seminar (class) Mentored Field Practicum (internship) Mentored Field Practicum (internship) Service projects, social life and time to explore on your own
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Service projects, social life and time to explore on your own Mentored Field Practicum/Professional Development class Mentored Field Practicum (internship) American Politics Seminar (class) Mentored Field Practicum (internship) Mentored Field Practicum (internship) Service projects, social life and time to explore on your own

The American University Gap Program offers three days of an internship and two days of classes.

Recent Internship Sites:
* Capitol Hill - including both Senator and Representative Offices
* Voice of America
* The Federalist Society
* 1776 - a global incubator for startups
* Earth Day Network
* Center for International Study and Development
* Crouch & Crouch Law Offices
* Isports
* Running Start
* Senate Foreign Relations Committee
* Small Business Administration
* Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Spring
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $11,778.00
  • Program Financial Aid: No
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    AU Gap Program students are non-matriculated, non-degree seeking participants, therefore financial aid is not available. Many students secure private scholarships and student loans, including non-degree educational loans to finance the program. In addition, students may also choose to participate in the American Payment Plan (APP), which breaks tuition into monthly payments.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Internship experience in a professional field
  • Hands-on learning in government, international affairs, or business through site visits
  • Demonstrated professional skills, including resume and cover letter writing, job search, communication, and problem-solving
  • Engagement in complex, real-world environments
  • Self-analysis, reflection, and discussion of strengths, weaknesses, goals, and future career pathways

Staff Training and Certification

AU Gap faculty are experts in their field and have a great deal of experience teaching experiential education courses. They are highly skilled in working with undergraduate and first year students.

Professor John Calabrese is a subject matter expert in Middle East and East Asia Foreign Policy.

Professor Jason Fabrikant is a subject matter expert in the US Criminal Justice System. He recently completed training on creating inclusive environments in the classroom.

Professor Gul Mescioglu Gur is a subject matter expert in Peace and Conflict Resolution.

Professor Marie Fritz is a subject matter expert in DC Politics.

Professor Christian Maisch is a subject matter expert in International Law and Organizations.

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