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ARCC Gap Programs

Profile last updated: Jan 27, 2021


  • GYA Accredited Since: 2017
  • COVID-19 Plans: In-person only
  • Enrolling: Yes
  • App Deadline:
  • Next Available Departure? Jun, 2021
  • Mission Statement:

    To provide life-changing educational experiences in places rarely visited and seldom seen. ARCC Gap Year Programs offer an educational and cultural bridge between high school and college. The ARCC Gap Year programs are 60-80 day semesters and are an opportunity to live, work, learn and explore in some of the greatest classrooms on earth.

  • Level of Independence/Supervision (mouse-over for definition):


Program Locations

Typical Itinerary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Hanoi orientation and initial explorations in language, culture and surroundings. Continue orientation to Vietnam. Begin project with community that provides vocational training for youth affected by Agent Orange. Continue project working with youth affected by Agent Orange. Meet with director of project to learn history of Agent Orange in Vietnam. Cross-cultural discussion with Veterans from the American/Vietnam War. Hold presentation in local coffee shop about the on-going effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam's youth. Travel to Sapa for rural homestay in tea farming community. Homestay night 2: Trek through the rolling hills of Sapa and meet with members of Sapa's many regional ethnic groups.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Travel to Cat Ba Island and set sail. Sleep out on sail boat in bay. Sailing/Kayaking/Environmental study in Lan Ha Bay. Sleep out on sail boat in Bay. Transfer to Phnom Penh. Begin Cambodia orientation, sunset boat ride on the Mekong River. Visit the Killing Fields and Khmer Rouge Study, explore Phnom Penh's Russian Market Build Bio-Sand Clean Water Filters in Cambodia. Sleep in rural guesthouse in the village. Build Bio-Sand Clean Water Filters in Cambodia. Sleep in rural guesthouse in the village. Build Bio-Sand Clean Water Filters in Cambodia. Sleep in rural guesthouse in village.

This two-week sample is a shortened version and taste of ARCC's Fall and Spring Asia Gap Semester. Each year ARCC takes into account feedback from prior semesters, as well as relevant regional and international politics and events to ensure the safety of each program.

Peer Reviews

Program Details

  • Program Starts: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
  • Program Duration: Less than 2 months, Semester, Yearlong
  • Program Cost: $13,500 - $14,000
  • Program Financial Aid: Yes
  • Other Financial Aid Details:

    ARCC has set aside a pool of funds to be used to partially sponsor students who wish to participate on an ARCC Gap Semester, but are unable to afford the full tuition. The amount of financial aid granted to a student depends upon the family's need, the tuition and the number of students applying for financial aid. A financial aid application can be requested from the ARCC Gap office by phone or email. Visit https://www.adventurescrosscountry.com/gap/gap-financial-assistance/ for more information.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Personal Development and Reflection
  • Reflection on Global Citizenship
  • Leadership Skills Development
  • Outdoor Adventure Activities
  • Independent Travel Skills
  • Global Theme Curriculum - Education and Literacy
  • Global Theme Curriculum - Public Health
  • Global Theme Curriculum - Environment and Conservation
  • Global Theme Curriculum - Microfinance and Economic Development
  • Global Theme Curriculum - Urbanization and the Movement of Peoples

Global Themes
ARCC Gap Semesters have a rich educational fabric complementing each and every destination, highlighting regional issues that are directly linked to global challenges. As a small community, we embark on a journey of discovery of people, places, cultures, and ideas. Over the course of our travels, we examine five global themes: Environment and Conservation, Public Health, Literacy and Education, Urbanization and the Movement of Peoples, and Microfinance and Economic Development.

The five global themes comprise the structure around which the ARCC Gap Year curriculum is built. Interwoven between these pillars is a mixture of journaling, interviews with local experts and officials, as well as group and community discussions. In addition, students address one or more of these themes in every geographic area they visit through service projects and community engagement. At the end of the Gap Semester, we organize our thoughts and actions into a final Capstone Passion Project. Students choose a topic and draw upon the rich experiences of the last three months to examine it from a particular angle.

Service Impact
Service is a major component of the ARCC Gap Semester. Service projects are based upon ARCC's five global themes and offer students an opportunity to give back to the communities in which we stay. ARCC has long-standing relationships with organizations around the world and is committed to finding projects that are impactful, sustainable and locally driven. ARCC's service projects are supplemented by our educational curriculum via readings and discussions, which service to provide a background and a deeper meaning to the projects.

Cultural Immersion
Exposure to other cultures is one of the most significant opportunities for students during their gap year. On an ARCC Gap Semester, not only do we get to experience foreign cultures through daily interactions with partners, locals, or students our age, but we fully immerse ourselves through homestays, village stays, and participating in the daily traditions and local activities. As we immerse ourselves in these cultures and learn about different projects and fledgling organizations, we are given the opportunity to be a part of the process by working alongside community members. Living in these communities helps us gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for what these communities and organizations are trying to accomplish.

Leadership Development
ARCC’s Leadership Development is designed to foster growth and encourage students to play an active role in the group’s overall Gap Year experience. Find your voice and build your confidence by undertaking leadership opportunities and increased responsibility as the semester progresses. Through student-led lessons, activities, and excursions, students are empowered to become effective leaders gaining valuable skills that will carry on for the rest of their lives.

Staff Training and Certification

ARCC Program Instructors are exceptional people of extraordinary character and experience. They are enthusiastic about serving others, travel, adventure, and most importantly, helping students learn and thrive. ARCC's comprehensive Staff Training sets the industry standard and is the prototype for many similar programs. Each ARCC instructor has at least 80 hours of Emergency Wilderness Medicine training and must be WFR or EMT certified. In addition to the extensive experience our instructors already bring to ARCC, they are also required to attend our sweeping 8-day Staff Training focusing on trip safety, group dynamics, logistics, leadership, communications, protocols and emergency procedures, along with 7 days of Gap trip-specific prep.

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